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Out Front Out of Mind

You could ride around carrying your GPS bike computer in your hand; you could launch Strava on your phone, put your phone in your pocket, and ride around like that; but why should or would you? There’s a perfectly good piece of technology invented for just these occasions. Add an out-front Garmin or bike computer mount to your noble steed and you’ll no longer need to be concerned about taking your eyes too far from the road ahead. All the data you could possibly want, only a glance away. What more could you ask for?

Bike Computer Mounts … The Possibilities are Endless.

There’s your simple quarter-turn mount, your handlebar out-front mount, your stem mount, your TT-skis mount, and that’s about it really. So, there’s not that many possibilities, but it is a fairly simple bit of kit.

Things get a little more exciting for the budding videographers out there though. Why not get yourself a dual GoPro/bike computer mount. You don’t need us to tell you — but we will anyway — this is the ideal tool for keeping your camera secure and the shots you take awesome.

TT Time

When you’re racing against the clock in a time trial, there’s already enough to think about and you want to be keeping your gaze firmly fixed on where you’re going. A K-Edge TT Garmin mount fits neatly to your TT extensions so you can glance at your power data, speed, distance, and time to go with only minimal interruption to looking where you’re going. Quite frankly, not to use one is downright dangerous.

So, what are you waiting for? If you’re still carrying your GPS cycling computer around in your hand or your pocket, it’s time to step up your game and reap the rewards of a dedicated bike computer mount. Trust us, it’ll change your life.